What is a silk press? & how often can they be done?

A silk press is a safe straightening process for textured hair that requires no chemicals. We start with a clarifying shampoo, followed by a moisturizing shampoo. Treatments are subjective, depending on whether you need a honey treatment (for moisture, shine, and manageability) or protein (for strength). Trims, scalp treatments, and deep conditioners are all options to add on as well.

How often should I trim my hair?

Trimming is one of those things where there is no one answer. Porosity, hair care, and how frequently you manipulate your hair all play a role. YOU have to learn how to pay attention to your ends. How they feel.. how they look… if they’re tangling. When they start to rebel it is time to let them go. This is very important in retaining length.

Can I color my hair?

Yes, natural hair can be colored. But, it is still a chemical change that requires you to put more effort into caring for your strands. Proper treatments, trims, limited heat styling, supplements (vitamins & collagen), and protective styling are the key factor in ensuring that your colored hair retains length and fullness. Some colors require multiple sessions. Cost and color plan are discussed during your initial consultation.

How long can a unit last me?

A unit can last from 1 to 2 years depending on the quality of the extensions and how well you maintain your unit (please see unit maintenance appointment). Gentle washing and styling will ensure that you get the most out of your custom unit. Please be advised closures can and must be replaced every few months depending on the care. Thinning/balding is inevitable.